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17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra

Branding for Schools

The process of branding is familiar to consumer product and service companies, and increasingly so in higher education, but it is still new to many elementary and secondary institutions. It is about creating a consistent image so that no matter where people encounter your school — on your website, on social media, and beyond — they will recognize you and connect with the image you want to present.

How does branding benefit a school?

When a school has a recognizable brand, recruitment and publicity instantly become more effective. Here are just a few advantages of school branding:

  • It builds trust: The more consistent a brand is, the quicker people become familiar with it and know what to expect. That familiarity breeds comfort, which is extremely important when committing to a school.
  • It sets you apart: When families are shopping around for schools, you want to hold their attention. A consistent and appealing brand helps them remember your school, what it’s all about, and what makes it different from the other options available.
  • It improves student fit: Different students thrive in different environments. A consistent and recognizable brand can help you to attract the kinds of students who will thrive in your school’s atmosphere.

School branding in the education sector offers several key benefits that include:

  • Clear and consistent brand image
  • Improves engagement
  • Boosts visibility
  • Enhance reputation and credibility
  • Help attract potential students
  • Increase student enrolment

Branding Touchpoints

The process of building and representing brands has completely changed over the past few years. Branding schools through touchpoints enables lead generation in higher education.

That being said, lead gen for higher education is competitive, fierce, and challenging. It is difficult for schools, colleges, and universities to stand out against their competitors.

To help you compete in the extremely challenging higher education landscape and attract the best candidates, we have compiled a list of the 11 best higher education lead-generation strategies that your higher education institution can start implementing today.

Quick Takeaways

  • In this guide, we’ll look into the following lead-generation strategies and examples for universities:
  • Design an impressive SEO and content marketing strategy for higher education.
  • Explore lead generation ads across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and other social channels. 
  • Share student testimonials for social proof.
  • Create highly engaging landing pages.
  • Utilize sophisticated higher education Chatbots for lead gen.
  • Play with your higher education lead-generation ad copies
  • Create a lookalike audience and retarget students for a higher conversion rate through lead gen for Higher Ed.
  • Creating sales funnels for Higher Ed lead generation 
  • Hosting Webinars / Virtual Events
  • Implement an effective PR strategy to generate leads
  • Collaborate with Influencers
  • Building Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Implementing Analytics Tools for Lead Tracking
  • Utilizing Paid Advertising

Brand touchpoints occur whenever you see, hear, or read about a brand. There are three types of branding touchpoints that schools need to consider:

  • Pre-enrolment touchpoints
  • Enrolment touchpoints
  • Post-enrolment touchpoints

You need to combine different elements to create a brand touchpoint. That is why we recommend you begin a cohesive experience that optimizes touchpoint and help you scale your marketing.

School brand touchpoints include:

  • Website
  • Emails
  • Social media
  • Online forms
  • Campus
  • Student support
  • Online Ads
  • Word of mouth

In addition, all other areas where potential students come across your school name

Presenting brand consistency will help you generate ROI and increase enrolments. However, your potential students might come across negative touchpoints. Therefore, you must ensure branding touchpoints are well executed and continuously monitored.

Engage Alumni Ambassadors through Alumni Portal

Alums are the brand ambassadors of your school. With fierce competition in the global higher education industry, Alumni reflect your brand and leave a lasting impression like no other.

Alums bring engagement, nostalgia, trust, and emotions. You can use alums to support you in school branding, as they are the people who graduate and enter different professions.

Alums become industry experts, leaders, and entrepreneurs and are future role models for potential and existing students. Therefore, their word of mouth can add substantial value to your school brand.

Host Branding Events

Bringing memorable and experiential events for potential and existing students can help in school branding. As we have evolved, it has become imperative for schools and colleges to host branding events that evoke interest, capture attention, and act as critical drives for enrolment.

If you are looking at solid arguments for hosting branding events at schools, you must consider the following benefits:

  • Increase school visibility
  • Garner prestige and credibility
  • Generate pre-enrolment signups
  • Establish a relationship
  • Increase enrolments
  • Attendees become brand ambassadors
  • Leverage the event for digital marketing
  • We’ve gathered event ideas for schools and colleges; they are as follows:
  • Host campus tours
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Charity events
  • Recruit popular speakers
  • Alumni podcasts
  • Campus sporting events
  • Film festivals
  • Game tournaments

Target outreach students who will likely enrol and boost your event attendance rate. Ensure you target Gen Z; they feel strong connections to community engagement, social activism, impactful change, and purpose.

For example, Star field Montessori School organized an event dedicated to parents where a panellist will discuss the modern-age challenges of raising kids in the digital age.

This event will help the school promote brand awareness; create interest among potential students, and increase enrolment.

Showcase Faculty Expertise on your website

Have you ever approached a faculty member to speak at your event or showcase their expertise? While it’s becoming more widely accepted, schools are building a reputation by showcasing faculty expertise.

  • Faculty expertise showcase enhances branding by fostering schools’ academic prowess and expertise. This feature argues school branding by:
  • Expertise exhibition – Showcase achievements, research, and accolades of the faculty members.
  • Community building – Fosters a sense of belonging among students, parents, and alums.
  • Differentiation – Set the school apart from the competitors by showcasing distinguished academic expertise.
  • Inspiration – Inspire students and create a positive impact on the school
  • Online presence – Increase school visibility and attracts a broader audience
Showcase Student Success

Your school branding is more about sharing the experience and creating a story that engages potential students. Moreover, in today’s world, where digital marketing for Higher Ed has become imperative, you must stand out by showcasing your student’s remarkable success and achievement.

It will highlight the school’s identity, strengthen its brand name, and create a positive image in the community. When you share student success stories, it helps with branding:

  • Boosts potential students’ morale
  • Strengthen community ties
  • Attract prospective students
  • Becomes a social proof
  • Instils a sense of pride & Credibility

Remember, student success stories are the lifeblood of your school branding strategy. It helps you create compelling narratives and showcase your school as prominent.



Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor consequat