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We live in a complex threat environment of malware, spyware, disgruntled employees and aggressive international hackers. Consequently, the threat of security breaches in software has become one of the most troubling aspects about technology - in particular the theft of intellectual property or personal data in an increasingly interconnected world.


We are all exposed to the constant danger of digital data theft. More so as many proof-of-concept attacks are likely to become real threats as connected devices become more commonplace. Hackers exploit weaknesses in operating systems and the software running on them. They also obtain passwords through any number of simple cons. However, once they have the same access as legitimate users they can commit crimes that may not be noticed for weeks or even months.


Security Breaches

The most effective hacking methods, demonstrated by recent examples such as the Sony Pictures scandal, the iCloud celebrity photo leak or discovery of CIA head John Brennan’s classified data on AOL remain:

  • Social engineering (phishing and personal)
  • Brute force password guessing

Needless to say, when a company's data is breached, it faces significant response costs, scrutiny, reputational damage, and monetary loss. It's also significant that in a data breach, both the company and its customers suffer. The big scandals of recent years have been situations where a hacker gains access to a server and steals millions of passwords and other user details – hence the need to protect the servers with good firewalls and other security measures.

Access Control

It must be remembered that a lot of personal information is stored in data systems around the world, and with the way people reuse passwords, a breach in one system is enough to gain access to other systems, or piece together a fraudulent identity for a spending spree. Furthermore, an average person’s mailbox over time accumulates enough data for a fully-fledged identity theft.

This is why poor password selection for services like email, website and cloud services logins makes them attractive to brute-force attacks.

Consequently bespoke software should always be designed to allow for the comparative weakness at the point where password credentials are checked to gain entry to a system.

The standard technique for securing passwords is by ‘hashing and salting’. Hashing uses algorithms to convert a password into a long series of jumbled numbers and letters which cannot be reversed. This allows the hashed password to be used to check a future login, but the password itself is never stored. Security

Is the nagging concern over your computer system being invaded by hackers, malware, and viruses holding you back? Are you aware of how much damage would be incurred by a lost laptop of flash drive? With solid Computer Data Security strategies, you can rest easy knowing you're completed protected. Our Network and Data Security, virus removal, malware, and spam protection solutions give your business thorough protection against dangerous threats to its system.

With well-planned security architecture from Digital Inventum , you get:

  • Trespasser Detection - protect yourself from hackers and online predators
  • Susceptibility Testing - we discover any weak areas in your network and offer strategies to fix them
  • Virus Defender - protect your company from viruses, spyware, and malware
  • Safe Login Preferences - including virtual private networks, encryption options, and password protection

By installing bulletproof protection for your business with an ironclad security system, you can move on to other priorities.

Network Security

We recognize the value of your company's network Our firewall services let you run your business without worrying about your network's security. In addition to protecting your staff and customers from security threats such as identity theft, we'll protect your important data. Our system scouts out and removes viruses and spyware that may have inadvertently been downloaded on the Internet and can report on where users of your system spend time on the Internet. Discover and eliminate threats before they impact your company!

Our network security solution plan provides:

  • Regular reports - monitor Internet usage and track websites
  • Perimeter security - keep viruses and intruders out of your business
  • Content filtering - block harmful or unsafe sites to increase productivity
  • Wi-Fi and 3G services - safely use mobile devices throughout your office
  • Predictability - flat monthly fees include preventative maintenance, patching & updating, virus & spyware updates, and unlimited Help Desk Calls for Internet firewall problems.

Contact Us

Concerned about your network & cyber security? Give us a call.



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